CSB Men’s Competition Structure - Media Release
Unfortunately due to several factors including a very wet September and October in Melbourne resulting in poor ground conditions, we have not been able to start the CSB Saturday Men’s turf competition for season 2022/23.
Over the weekend, the CSB Men’s CMG asked Clubs to re-evaluate the competition structure for the divisions playing two day and one day cricket, asking if they wanted to keep the competition as it is or change to one day games.
The vote resulted in an overwhelming majority to re-fixture the remainder of the season as one-day matches from this Saturday (November 5th).
Further information about the changes to the CSB Men’s Competition will be communicated directly with Club Officials. Please reach out to your Club Secretary for clarification on any queries regarding the 2022/23 season.
We appreciate and value the input and feedback from CSB Clubs as the cricket should be played your way.